Rewilding a Suffolk farm

John Sanderson, Farmer


In January 2022 John gave up arable farming and the entire farm was entered into a Natural England Higher level Stewardship Scheme, the majority in wood pasture creation.

His presentation will cover how he arrived at this decision, the thought process and preparation behind it. John will talk about the experience of the first year, the surprises, the rewards and the hope for the future.


John has been a farmer for nearly 50 years on a 450 acre mixed farm in the “Saints” area of North East Suffolk with a lifelong passion for nature and local history.

He has worked with many organisations over the years including RSPB, Suffolk FWAG , Suffolk Wildlife Trust, (as a volunteer Warden), Natural and Historic England. The farm has been in Countryside Stewardship for 30 years, fifteen years ago I converted a third of the farm to organic and have worked in the last few years with DEFRA on ELMS test and trials.

John Sanderson