A living landscape where rewilding means management

Matt Gooch, Suffolk Wildlife Trust


The talk is focused on the Suffolk Broads Living Landscape where reverting from arable marshes to a refunctioning wetland meant intervention and management. Its success into the future has to be focussed on human intervention echoing how the Broads were created and developed into the biodiverse hotspot they are today.


Matt Gooch has been the North East Site Manager for Suffolk Wildlife Trust for the last 4 years, but has worked for Suffolk Wildlife Trust on reserve and wider landscape work for over 17 years. Matt’s career has seen him spend much of his conservation career working in Suffolk and further afield. Working from the ground up, he spent much of his early years in the Suffolk Countryside and then working on farms, he found a passion for wildlife and people, leading to roles with East Suffolk Council, Natural England, the Environment Agency and Suffolk Wildlife Trust.

As a real wildlife enthusiast Matt is a birder and can normally be found in the East Anglian countryside with binoculars and kids, with his dog on a lead.

Matt’s career with Suffolk Wildlife Trust saw him create and develop Carlton Marshes Nature Reserve near Lowestoft under a successful Heritage Fund application and he now leads the North East Reserves team to ensure the reserves move forward for wildlife and people in Suffolk.

Matt Gooch