Creating a wilder England for people and planet
Tony Juniper, Chair, Natural England
In the context of Montreal and the recently announced Environmental Improvement Plan, Tony will explain that to meet those targets, we need to restore nature across the country and the work that is going on in Suffolk to do this.
Tony Juniper CBE is Chair of the official nature conservation agency Natural England. Before taking up this role in April 2019 he was the Executive Director for Advocacy and Campaigns at WWF-UK, a Fellow with the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and President of the Wildlife Trusts. Until January 2018 he was an independent sustainability and environment advisor, including as Special Advisor with The Prince of Wales’s International Sustainability Unit.
Juniper speaks and writes widely on conservation and sustainability themes and is the author of many books, including the multi-award winning bestseller ‘What has Nature ever done for us?’ published in 2013. Tony began his career as an ornithologist, working with Birdlife International. From 1990 he worked at Friends of the Earth, initially leading the campaign for the tropical rainforests, and from 2003–2008 was the organisation’s executive director. From 2000–2008 was Vice Chair of Friends of the Earth International.