SNS Bursary Application Form
Describe the proposed study, give background information and expected outcome. For example: What is the study's goal? Why is it important to you? What new information it will reveal?
How will this be achieved?Describe the planned methodology, any equipment required and the species and sites to be studied. Estimate of the size of the project.
What permissions or licences are needed?
Will you need access to the collections held in Ipswich Museum?
Give details of how the grant will be spentFor example: travel, equipment, etc
Has any other funding for this study been applied for or confirmed?Please give details
TimescaleWhen the study will start and finish? (approximately)
Where will you publish the report?
If other please give details
Are you willing to give a talk to members of the Society? Note: Applications will be favourably viewed if it involves others in the study or disseminates the information gained, for example, by giving a talk to the Society, running a workshop or field meeting, or, as in the past – making videos aimed at young people.
Are you a member of the Society?Note: grants are only made to members
Which grant would you like the study to be associated with?
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