Welcome to the
Suffolk Naturalists' Society

Promoting interest in Suffolk’s natural history

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Yellowhammer, Emberiza citronella © Steve Roach
Volucella bombylans and Sarcoscypha austriaca © Paul Kitchener

The new Suffolk Bat Atlas is available now from the SBIS website

Lichens under the microscope

Saturday, 17 May, 10:00–15:00Crowfield Village Hall

Free workshop sponsored by the Anglian Microscopy Group and the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society
More details…

Next SNS event: Walk and Record

Saturday, 10 May, from 10:30 am – Raydon Wood, nr Hadleigh.
More details…

Who we are:
A group of people with a common interest in natural history: animals, plants and geology, the Suffolk countryside and the environment generally.
Our members range from beginners to expert amateurs and wildlife professionals. 

What we do:
We publish popular and scientific works on the natural history of Suffolk, hold members meetings and organise a biennial conference. Members’ findings are published in the thrice-yearly newsletter White Admiral; in our transactions Suffolk Natural History and in the bird report Suffolk Birds. We also publish more definitive guides on various aspects of the natural history of Suffolk.


The official address for SNS has changed to:

SNS, The Hold, 131 Fore Street, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 1LR

For email enquiries please use: enquiries@sns.org.uk