Out of Print Suffolk Nature Books
The following books are regrettably out of print but you may be able to find them secondhand.
The Butterflies of Suffolk
An Atlas and History
Authors: Howard Mendel & Steve Piotrowski
Published by Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, Ipswich, 1986.
Full colour hardback. Pp. 128.
ISBN 0-9508154-1-1
Size 210 × 148 mm (A5)
This definitive guide to the County’s butterflies, past and present is based on the results of the Suffolk Butterfly Survey 1983-1985 and includes maps of all the species still to be found in the County. Quality colour photographs of each species, taken by local naturalists who helped in the survey, enable the book to be used as an identification guide. The authors, two well known naturalists and conservationists, have drawn on a wealth of historical information to show the changes that have happened to Suffolk’s butterfly populations.

The Orchids of Suffolk – an atlas and history
Author: Martin Sanford
Published by Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, Ipswich, 1991.
Full colour hardback. Pp. 123. ISBN 0-9508154-3-8.
Size 210 × 148 mm (A5)
This hardback book is the culmination of over four year’s research and survey work by Martin Sanford of the Suffolk Biological Records Centre. Several thousand records, most supplied by amateur naturalists, have been analysed with the help of sophisticated computer programs and used to plot accurate distribution maps. High quality colour photographs of each species with accompanying notes enable the book to be used as an identification guide. There are introductory sections on ecology, variation, habitats and conservation, and a special feature ‘Suffolk orchids, half a century of change’ by Francis Simpson, author of Simpson’s Flora of Suffolk.

The Mammals of Suffolk
Author: Simone Bullion
Published jointly by Suffolk Naturalists’ Society and Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Ipswich, 2009
Full colour hardback. Pp. 207.
Size 176 × 250 mm (B5).
The county’s first comprehensive account of Suffolk’s mammals is jointly published by Suffolk Naturalists’ Society and Suffolk Wildlife Trust. The Mammals of Suffolk by Dr Simone Bullion, is an accessible and attractive book with stunning colour photographs throughout and distribution maps of more than 60 species, from bottle-nosed dolphin and Minke whale to soprano pipistrelle bats and red deer. It is a superb addition to Suffolk’s natural history and is as likely to appeal to the lay naturalist as to those with a more specialist interest.

A Flora of Suffolk
Authors: Martin Sanford & Richard Fisk
Published independently by M.N and D.K. Sanford, Ipswich, 2010.
Full colour hardback. Pp. 500
Size A4 format
This superb book is a must for anyone who enjoys the Suffolk countryside and is interested in wild flowers. Attractively illustrated throughout, with a lively text, useful identification tips, historical notes and anecdotal information on past uses.
Covers over 2500 species and hybrids of plants and 400 mosses recorded in Suffolk. Includes distribution maps and information on the status, habitats and history of each species.
Martin Sanford has managed the Suffolk Biological Records Centre for 25 years. He is county recorder for vascular plants for the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society and the Botanical Society of the British Isles.
Richard Fisk is county recorder for bryophytes for Suffolk Naturalists’ Society and the British Bryological Society.

The Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Suffolk
An atlas and history
Author: Ian Killeen
Published by Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, Ipswich, 1992.
Full colour hardback. Pp. 190. ISBN 0-9508154-4-6.
Size 210 × 148 mm (A5).
The book is the result of 11 years survey work and research by Ian Killeen. It is the largest and most detailed study yet undertaken of the Mollusca of any major English county and is essentially the work of one person. Some 26,000 new records have been collected and the facilities at the Suffolk Biological Records Centre used to produce accurate distribution maps. In addition to the Atlas there are sections on geology, climate, Suffolk mollusc habitats and the history of molluscan studies in the County. The book is embellished with high quality colour photographs of living snails and slugs.