Photo: © Neil Rolph, Poppies, Papaver rhoeas

Suffolk Naturalists Society grants

SNS / SBIS Recording Grant Programme
For those wanting to start recording wildlife more seriously the SNS and the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service in conjunction with the Field Studies Centre at Flatford Mill also offer Recording Bursaries to assist people with the cost of attending identification courses. Read the full details here.

SNS Grant Programme for Research Projects

Suffolk Naturalists’ Society has received generous donations from benefactors in the past and uses these to fund studies by Members of the Society on the flora, fauna and geology of the County. Amateur naturalists have always been in the forefront in increasing knowledge and recording the natural history of Suffolk. A continuous flow of records monitors the changing fortunes of wildlife and its habitats; it is collated at the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS), based at The Hold in Ipswich and plays an important role in protecting wildlife. It is referred to by local authority planning departments, ecological consultancies, land developers, researchers, conservation agencies and others.

We aim to help those who feel that the costs of a study are a barrier, either experts or beginners, encouraging exploration of understudied areas of the natural world and explaining the importance of this knowledge to the general public.

Applications are welcomed for small or large sums, £1,000 or more for substantial, longer running, projects.

The Grants
The bursaries are not tied to the topics listed on the right, but wherever possible Suffolk Naturalists’ Society Council aims to match the application to the interests of the naturalist in whose name the bursary is awarded.

Larger projects may be eligible for grants of over £1,000 – please contact SNS for further information. When an application is successful, half of the grant will be awarded at the start of the study and the remainder on completion of the study. Discretionary interim payments may be made if appropriate.

Activities eligible for funding include: Scientific equipment, books, software or other relevant items. Reasonable travel and subsistence for field work. Attending training courses, conferences, specialist meetings and visits to scientific institutions. Running workshops or field meetings that encourage people to get involved with wildlife studies and recording. Payment for expert guidance and acquiring necessary licences.

Applications can be made at any time and are considered as soon as possible but please leave plenty of time if the start date is important. The award is made entirely at the discretion of this committee and each application is considered on its merits.

Tim Pankhurst surveying fen orchids in Canada
Tim Pankhurst surveying fen orchids in Canada

The grants are:

Morley Award
– Studies involving invertebrates (not butterflies & moths).

Chipperfield Award
– Studies involving butterflies or moths.

Cranbrook Award
– Studies involving mammals or birds.

Rivis Award
– Studies of the county’s flora.

Simpson Award
– Botanical studies.

Hubbard Award
– This is a new bursary for 2024. As Alan was the diptera recorder, with a wide range of other interests, the grant will be awarded for appropriate studies.


1. Projects should include a large element of original work and further the knowledge of Suffolk’s flora, fauna or geology.

2. A written account of the project is required within 12 months, unless the study is over a longer period. This should be in a form suitable for publication in one of the Society’s journals: Suffolk Natural History, Suffolk Birds or White Admiral, and A presentation to Members at a meeting would be welcome 3. Suffolk Naturalists’ Society should be acknowledged in all publicity associated with the project and in any publications emanating from the project.
4. Applicants must agree to comply with all relevant legislation and sound practices (including health and safety), and have the necessary licences and consents from landowners and tenants such as English Nature, Local Authorities and any other interested parties and provide evidence of this.
5. Applicants must not breach any copyright.
6. If the project is being co-funded by another organisation the part SNS’s contribution is being used for must be made clear.
7. larger items of equipment applied for may be considered as a “loan” and many need to be returned to SNS. This will be negotiated on an individual basis.

How to Apply
There are two ways to apply for a Bursary
You can fill in an online application form by clicking the button below

If you prefer to fill in a paper copy, please contact us for a form.