The Benefits of SNS Membership
The Suffolk Naturalist’s Society was founded in 1929 to promote interest in Suffolk’s natural history.
The Society’s goals are to study, record, and stimulate research into the county’s flora, fauna and geology. Since its formation, recording has become a major component of the Society’s work. Members’ observations are forwarded to specialist recorders who log the data with the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service based at The Hold. The data is then processed into meaningful maps and data sets which are used to monitor the condition of Suffolk’s natural heritage, a continuous, on going and vital process.
By becoming a member you will be supporting the group of county recorders and by attending SNS members evenings, field trips and recording events with those recorders can improve your own natural history skills and directly contribute to the enormous dataset (5 million records) amassed by the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service based at The Hold.
In addition all members receive copies of the Societies two excellent and award winning publications which review the year in wildlife terms:
Suffolk Natural History and Suffolk Birds.
In addition to these, members receive our newsletter White Admiral packed with informative and lively articles three times a year. All three of these publications are free to members.
The Society also offers bursaries for the study of Suffolk’s flora and fauna.
Various forms of membership are available including Student, Individual, Family and Corporate. Each is available for SNS only or as joint membership with SBG, the Suffolk Bird Group, ‘The voice of Suffolk birdwatchers – an independent birding group and registered charity, founded in 1973’.
Joint members also receive SBG’s quarterly magazine, The Harrier For more details of SBG please visit their website
The SNS also holds biennial conferences on a wide range of natural history subjects. These attract distinguished speakers from all over the country and are an excellent opportunity to consider Suffolk’s biodiversity in a wider context. They provide a forum for discussing the state of our wildlife both locally and nationally and to consider ways in which we can promote and sustain practices that enhance our environment. A link to videos of our last conference can be found in our main menu.
To find the cost of membership to the SNS please click here …